It was like Christmas Eve around here Friday night. They called for it all week. It looked like such a sure thing. Your mama has lived here for nearly 40 (eek) years so you would think I knew better. But we bought a new red sled for your brother and snow snacks. We had so many laughs thinking of Stella’s 8 inch body bouncing through the 5-8″ they were calling for.
Saturday morning we woke up to three things: no power, no snow, and a super disappointed little boy. There is nothing like going to sleep with the promise of sledding down big hills, having a snowball fight, and building a snowman only to wake up to nada. And as the lightest snow did begin to fall later that morning, we had to break his little heart all over (and over) again as we had to tell him that it just wasn’t enough to do anything with.
So what did we learn during Snowpocolypse 2017? I’m so glad you asked…
- Until you see the snow falling and accumulating, probably best not to let the kiddos know of any potential snow fun.
- FUN alternative activities should always be planned. That was the day’s biggest #momfail. I had nothing but all the fun NORMAL things we do around here that don’t require power. Nothing nearly enough to soften the blow of the snow that wasn’t.
- It’s pretty much the best being married to an Eagle Scout. While we weren’t prepared for the heartbreak, my husband came to the rescue with functioning flashlights, lanterns and bottled water. The very first thing he did was hook our small generator up to the Keurig and presented me with a hot cup of coffee. Man did I ever get lucky with him.
- Having a functioning toilet is pretty much a non-negotiable at 33 weeks pregnant. Cause we pee. A lot.
- When it’s a sunny 65 degrees and we are back outside playing on Thursday, this will all be a distant memory. Oh how I love winter in NC!
Lucky for me, being stuck inside with this family of mine no matter what the reason is pretty darn awesome ????

I love you baby girl,