I found this picture recently and my heart exploded. Just look at this blissed out couple on their honeymoon. You can see it in their eyes – they love each other so much. I could not get this picture printed and framed fast enough. I love looking at them and thinking back to this time in our life and marriage.
At the risk of sounding like a complete hormonal sap, it feels like the love I have for my husband increases dramatically when I am pregnant. I have heard A LOT of women loathe their husbands during pregnancy, it is the complete opposite for me. I have always said it’s because I have to love him enough for the both of us, but it just pours out of me.
I have extra patience for the little things that may get under my skin ordinarily. I want to take the extra time to do the things that make his life easier. I see the best in him and all the things he does for me and our family make me feel so appreciative.
At 26 weeks this week, I thought I’d better get this written down and what better way than a quick note to remind me. So here goes…..
Dear Henderson,
It is quite possible when they were handing out husbands, you got the best. Without question, he is the absolute best for you. I know what you are thinking. You were pregnant when you wrote this and the hormones are clouding your judgement. The truth is, he really is that damn amazing.
There is no one who has been more supportive to you with Madison’s Closet. He could have looked at you like you were crazy when you had this idea (and maybe you were!) but he didn’t. He has answered every question, weighed in on every decision, cheered the loudest as we have received every order from a Mom who has lost a baby. This whole thing does not work without him.
He has witnessed your transition from the toned, tan, nails-done woman in the photo above to the struggle bun, yoga pants, may or may not have showered lately woman you are now, and he loves you just as much. Maybe more.
This man has let you be yourself when that person is not the easiest to be around. When the grief makes you ugly and hard to understand, he waits patiently and looks for ways to help.
He puts you and our family first. Always. There is no one who has more integrity and no one who works harder to keep our family safe and cared for.
He agreed to adopting this crazy puppy when the timing was probably not the best because he knew it would help you smile and enjoy this difficult pregnancy more.
He lets your starved for conversation self talk his ears off when he comes home everyday – even though he’d probably rather sit quietly and let his own day fade away.
He proofreads EVERY single piece I write for Madison’s Closet and every other outlet (note to future readers, this one could be rough – had I asked him to read this one it would have never been published).
So before you get frustrated at something big or small, before you get cranky about things not going quite your way or that argument about what to have for dinner makes you feel like you are going to explode, come back here and read this. Life is hard, marriage is hard. You know there is no one you would rather travel around the sun with than this man right here. And no amount of cranky will ever change that.