Sweet girl, we are having a boy! Your little brother’s name will be Barrett Asher. We chose Barrett because it means brave strength and Asher which means a life filled with abundance. We had an ultrasound at our appointment two Fridays ago and he is a mover and shaker much like you and your big brother were. I have a feeling I will be spending a lot of time trying to convince him to take it easy on your old mom this Fall!
I felt a whole lot of emotions finding out what we were having this time. We have never done this before. With both Reeves and you, we didn’t know what we were having much less gave you a name before you arrived. We wanted to know the gender and share the name so we could ask our loved ones to pray specifically for Barrett and his healthy and safe arrival.
We also wanted to find out this time because it I knew I would go through a wide range of emotions with either outcome.
I felt a deep sadness and a huge sense of relief in finding out he was a he. A part of me really wanted him to be a little girl. I feel like my heart aches for a daughter and while no child will EVER replace you, I long for another little girl to love.
Another part of me felt happy that I didn’t have to worry about a baby girl taking your place. A big part of me felt somehow less afraid because I know how to have healthy little boys. I have done it before so I can do it again.
With another little boy on the way, we will surely need you to continue to show us your grace, love, and light Madison! Lord knows Stella and I can’t keep this place classy by ourselves!
I love and miss you always baby girl,