Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I can’t help but daydream about your second Thanksgiving with us. I can imagine you would be excited to try the sweet potatoes and turkey – hopefully more so than your big brother who will likely ask for a hot dog! Would you curl up and watch the parade with us tomorrow morning, or would you be too busy playing? And the big question of the day – what would I dress you in? The weather is warm here still, but you can bet we would have found something festively fall and very fashionable.
While I will always mourn your absence, I do feel so very thankful as I think about what you have brought to my life. In the days since last Thanksgiving, your spirit has led me to create a (soon to be official) 501(c)(3) in your name to help other Moms like me who have lost babies. You have helped me to have the courage to experience another pregnancy. You have led me to some of the kindest, bravest women I have ever known, who I am blessed to now call friends. You have made me slow down, love more, laugh harder, and show more kindness, all because I want to do it for the both of us.
I am so grateful for you my sweet girl. You are in my thoughts as always, and even more so tomorrow as we gather together to count our many blessings. I love you.