Ten days ago, I broke up with my Fitbit. We were together for almost 16 months (well I was with his older brother first and then traded up to this version). It was not him, it was definitely me.
I decided after a lot of reflection and soul searching that it was no longer a healthy relationship anymore between me and my Fitbit. Almost every day, he made me feel bad about myself. When I looked back at the day before and saw all the steps I did not take, it made me feel lazy – even if I had a perfectly good excuse like I was pregnant or working or playing with Reeves. No matter what was going on in my life, I still felt horrible about myself whenever looking at my Fitbit.
I could wake up in the morning and feel pretty well rested only to let that $90 device tell me how wrong I was and how much sleep I didn’t get. It had such an effect on me that I would start to feel tired just from learning that information.
I am a self proclaimed perfectionist, so you can imagine how this information weighed on me and made me feel.
So I ended it.
And I felt bad. Like I was giving up on a goal or a plan that really could have helped me. The truth is after 16 months, I didn’t gain anything from the Fitbit except anxiety and a healthy dose of self loathing.
Today, I feel amazing. Free. I have no idea how many steps I have taken today (probably not that many cause the 6 week growth spurt has me nursing non-stop) and I could care less how much I slept last night.
If using a Fitbit works for you, you are amazing! If using a Fitbit doesn’t work for you, you are amazing also, and I want to encourage you to do as I did and end it. There is no reason to let an electronic piece of rubber make you feel bad.
With love,