Your little brother is here and I know you are as in love with him as I am. He is such a sweet and snuggly little guy. He loves loves loves to eat. He hates to get his diaper changed. He can almost always be soothed by being tightly swaddled and lightly stroked on his cheek.
He looks a lot like you. His hair is dark like yours, and he has your long fingers and toes. His tiny nose is an exact match for yours and Reeves.
I feel terrified of something happening to him. I feel a constant need to confirm he is alive and breathing. I check his color and I stare at his chest to make sure I see it rise and fall. He is healthy and growing, yet I still feel like something could happen to take him from our lives.
I am soaking up every minute of taking care of this little guy, even the parts that aren’t so much fun. I am constantly aware of the gift that I have been given and the time I so desperately wish I’d had with you.
I can’t wait to tell him about the sister that he has, and all of the goodness and light she has inspired in me and so many others.
I want to tell you that your place in our hearts and our family is just as important as ever. You are a big sister baby girl, and from one big sister to another, I know you will be amazing at it.
Love and miss you always,